T h e    C o t o p a x i a n   P r e s s


Cotopaxi,  Colorado

This is your brain on computers.

This is your brain on computers.  (new york times) june 6

"In 2008, people consumed three times as much information each day as they did in 1960"

People spend 12 hrs a day on media - PC/TV, etc.; And because of TOO  MUCH  INPUT,

they have trouble filtering out the irrelevant information.


On the other Hand:

What do the Jews teach?


Maharsha on Aggados, selected Portions, vol 1, pp31

Translated by Avraham Yaakov Finkel

Published by Yeshiva Beth Moshe

"He Gives Wisdom To The Wise"

Brachos 40a

"Gemara: Notice hao the character of Hakadosh Baruch Hu, differs frojm that of mortal man. Mortal man can put something into an empty vessel but not into a full one. This is not so for Hakodosh Baruch Hu, who puts into a full vessel, [giving wisdom to the wise] but not into an empty one, as it says, If you listened you will listen (Shemos /Exodos 15:26)...implying: If you listened to the old, you will be able to listen to the new."


Nelson's note: Jesus (a Jew) also taught this in a certain parable about a rich man.

Luke 16:31:(Consistent Translation)  "But he-said to-him, If they-are not hearing of-Moses and of-the prophets, neither will-they-be-persuaded if some-one might-stand-again out -of dead-ones."


Continuing with Maharsha on Aggados

"The analogy fittingly compares the easr to a vessel. Speaking of idle talk, Koheles (Ecclesiastes) says, All words are wearisome...the ear can hear only until it is full (Koheles 1:8). The ear can only listen [to idle talk] until it has heard its fill. Idle talk is temporal, and therefore finite, with limited space. This is the character of Man; he can place things into an empty vessel, but he cannot put more things into i when the vessel is full.

However, G-d is not limited by space, for the whole world is filled with His glory. He is the place of the world, and He is not confined by the space of the world.  Therefore, space filled with spirituality is limitless, able to hold infinite spirituality. Thus when someone's mind is filed with abstract ideas, he can absorb a boundless flow of new ideas and thoughts. If listening you will listen means  If you listen to Torah thoughts you will continue to listen, learning more and more.  However, a mind devoid of spiritual content cannot comprehend any spiritual concepts.  If you do not [learn Torah], rather you fill your mind with things that have no spiritual content, you will not be able to grasp any abstract ideas."


Isn't it amazing that science is catching up to what the Jews have taught FOR CENTURIES! 


Isn't' it amazing that Jesus taught that if we don't learn the Old Testament, we won't learn the New.


We spend too much time with things that are simply VANITY.


The Consistent Translation is an English translation of the Greek New Testament

by Ralph Mount,

 uses one word of English for each word of Greek

as consistently as possible.

and is available from

Ray Kissel

305 Leawood Rd
Mansfield OH 44907



"Truth Triumphs"